At Microchip USA, we’re dedicated to helping professionals navigate the challenges of FPGA component lifecycle management. Our in-depth infographic provides a comprehensive overview of the current and future state of FPGA component availability, featuring end-of-life forecasts for key FPGA components from major manufacturers like Xilinx, Intel, Lattice Semiconductor, and NXP. Understand the obsolescence risks for crucial parts and how they might impact your projects. Plus, discover alternative solutions through our analysis of part quality and availability for at-risk components.

This resource is invaluable for electronic engineers, supply chain managers, and decision-makers in the electronics industry who are looking to stay informed about FPGA market trends and face component lifecycle challenges head-on. By downloading our infographic, you’ll equip yourself with the latest market insights, learn effective strategies to manage obsolescence risks, and gain from our extensive industry experience. Get instant access to our infographic now and transform your approach to managing FPGA component obsolescence.

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